The Bottega Veneta Duża torba Hobo ma kultowy design i przestronne wnętrze, idealne dla osób świadomych stylu, poszukujących połączenia funkcjonalności i luksusowej estetyki. Ta torba jest świadectwem mistrzowskiego kunsztu marki.
Torebka Bottega Veneta Large Hobo to pozycja obowiązkowa dla fanów mody z najwyższej półki, którzy cenią kunszt i styl. Dzięki miękkiej skórze i stonowanemu wzornictwu jest idealnym towarzyszem na każdą okazję i pożądanym elementem każdej kolekcji vintage i luksusu z drugiej ręki.
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Flower Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
14% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
15% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Very Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
19% off
Bottega Veneta
Medium Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
19% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Flower Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
50% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
19% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Flower Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
41% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
40% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Very Good Condition
26% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
44% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
26% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
39% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
42% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
40% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
34% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
41% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
48% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
40% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
25% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Flower Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
14% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
15% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Very Good Condition
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition
20% off
Bottega Veneta
Large Hobo
Good Condition